
What I am Struggling With...

“Why aren’t you dancing?” He asked leaning back on the counter next to her. Kristin shrugged and shoveled another chip into her mouth. The salsa was cold and sweet on her tongue. “Come on,” he prodded elbowing her in the side. She shrank away, not really in the mood to be tickled and nagged. “Why aren’t you dancing?” he asked again.

“Because I don’t dance like a slut,” she said watching the girls on the wooden floor that had been cleared of furniture. Max turned to look at his best friend. Kristin went on staring straight ahead.

“You know, you ought to do something about that.”

“Seriously. I mean, look at it!” she gestured to the group of teens in front of them, “they just shake their body and get inches away from the guys, and their clothes! Everything is skin tight,” she shook her head and sighed, “and girls wonder why they get raped.” Max shook his head.

“I meant, you should do something about your mouth.” Kristin’s eyebrows shot up as she looked at him.

“My mouth? I’m sorry, did I miss something?” Max ran his tongue along his lips, still shaking his head and staring at the floor. “Come, on, tell me what you mean.” He looked up finally, at the seemingly sincere invitation.

“You can be really mean sometimes. I mean, honest is great and all, but seriously Kristin, sometimes you have no tact, you can be really hurtful with your words.” He grabbed his coke and walked past her, out the sliding glass door and onto the back porch under bright lights. Kristin bit her lip and put the cookie in her hand down on the plate. With a frustrated sigh she headed for the front door.

Outside the night was cold and bitter. The snow was slowly receding on the front lawns, but January was holding out for at least a few more days. Walking past the neighbors’ houses, all lighted up and glowing warmly. Past the cars empty and waiting to be driven home by curfew. Rounding the sidewalk to the back of the cul-de-sac, stepping onto the black asphalt, reaching the driver’s side of the Honda, glowing bright white under the street light. The key grating in the lock, like Max’s words grating on her nerves.

The door finally popped open, she slid inside. The engine coughed and came to life. Her mind turned like the gears as she put the car into reverse. The wheels spun and sighed over the black pavement. Slamming down on the gas after reaching the end of the neighborhood. Hurtful words. Well people need to hear them. Sometimes, the truth just hurts. She pushed through green lights and reached the on-ramp to the freeway. The car sped up and tried to catch a Jeep to pass. The man in the blue Cherokee smiled and waved her on ahead of him. Space. Patience. Grace. Courtesy. Kristin ran over the words in her mind as the car ate up more pavement and white stripes. Her mind worked overtime, scanning, analyzing, rewinding. Over and over. The wheels slowed on their axles as she reached her exit and headed off. The Jeep passed her and she could have sworn the man waved at her as he past.

He might have even had a beard.

Biting her lip she reached into the purse on the passenger seat and fumbled around for the cell phone. But the light was green and she had a tight left turn to make before it changed. Both hands on the wheel she turned on the wet pavement. Gently. Easily, the car responded to the turn perfectly. She reached one last time for the cute little silver flip phone. It popped out of the purse and tumbled to the floor. She cursed and looked back to the road.

The call would have to wait until she got home.

What about cursing? She trie to put it out of her mind. The truck in front of her went through a puddle to quickly, splashing water onto her windshield. Kristin turned on the wipers. The thought came back. Cussing is a sin too. She tried not to dwell on it. But there it was again, like the wipers. No matter how many times she pushed it away, the thought just kept coming back.

Okay. So I am a hypocrite. Well, someone still has to tell those people that dancing like that is sexual and wrong. She turned into her neighborhood and drove through the stop sign. Rounding the corner onto her street and then up into the driveway. The front porch light was on. Her parents always left it on for her. Because they always wanted her to feel welcome at home, the bright light showing her the way back into safety. The way back into love.

“Without love, what is truth? Truth must sometimes come down and get dirty in the mud, it must be with the worst of things and people. It must work with them and care for them. Because without love, truth is void of all meaning.” Kristin whirled around in her seat and searched for the voice. But the quiet stillness of the car told her that she would find no one hidden away in the back seat. She sighed and stepped out into the cold night.

But suddenly, the night wasn’t as cold and bitter as she had remembered.

so that is what I am struggling with. My spiritual gift (or at least one of them) is prophecy. Which usually means just spouting of the truth at people. I guess it's good and all, but it seems to get me in a lot of trouble. I have become very obsessed with truth this year and it's killing me. I forgot about love, and all that jazz. My gift has overtaken me. And I need to learn how to control it. Prayer would be really super.


The Majestic

Jerry: I think you've had enough drinks, don't you think you ought to go home?
Peter (to stuffed monkey): Let's go for a long drive
Jerry: You're not going to drive in this condition are you?
Peter: I can't take this constant nagging Jerry, I'm leaving you, I'm leaving and I'm taking the monkey with me!

Lawyer guy:The Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.... They're just peices of paper with signatures on them, and you know what a sheet of paper with a signature on it is? A contract. And a contract is always being renegotiated.

Muslim actor in movie: This time, I'm going to make sure you are dead!
English actor:Taste my steel!


Inquiring Minds Want to Know!

First! I made it into Concert Choir!

Second! Should I take AP Spanish? Or not?

and now the real question....

okay new question. do you ever get tired of being a christian?


Slightly More Interesting Update...

that doesn't have to do with prom for once. :)

I sprained my ankle at the game yesterday down in the Springs. So now I have a lovely black brace which ties up the front, and is available at Kaiser Permanente, one size fits all! Anyway, I am now not allowed to run for a freaking two weeks, and my foot no longer fits into any of my shoes. But I keep telling myself it is better than walking down the aisle at Josh's wedding on crutches. Oh, and I don't look like I have cellulite, unlike Paige, who's sweet cast thing shows through her pants and looks really funny.

If you guys wouldn't mind, I could use some prayer because it hurts to walk fast and I have a feeling I am going to get trampled in the halls tomorrow at school. Oh yea! That's another bonus, I missed school today because I can't really walk.




Prom is two weeks from tonight. still no date.

but i have a date for next year! lol

Quotes... (probably only funny to me)

"If God wanted me to marry poor, he would have made me homely."

Sr. Schorr: When I was at George Washington we were going through some hard stuff cause of integrating the schools. I got stabbed once.
Steph: You got stabbed? Did they like hate you or something?
Me: No, Steph, it was a love stab.
Steph: A love stab? Were you in a cult or something Sr. Schorr?

Mr. Meyer: so there's this funny comic that shows this guy falling through a bunch of old nets, and they're all labeled, like medicare, social security... you know, because people are concerned that we're getting rid of our safety nets. But then people like you (points to Kelly) are happy. I mean those nets were expensive!
Kelly: and highly overrated.
Mr. Meyer: Of course some people might say it's just as expensive to clean up the bodies that fall through.
Kelly: you can use them as a stair way to climb to the top.


Still no interesting emails....

but today was a better day. I got a master schedule! Ok, so I stole it from Renee. And it's official. I am taking summer school.

No, not because I am a slacker (though I am), it is so I can get credits for college this summer and next year so I can maybe graduate college in like 3 years. or 3 and 1/2 would do. Whatever gets me to Costa Rica soonest.

Sidenote: gracias anonymous, sus palabras me alentó, mucho!

in other news... there is a new pope. Mr. Meyer said he got elected because he plays the game of politics well. So, I'm not catholic or anything, but I don't like the idea of a political pope. That bugs me. He represents christianity to a lot of people, across the world, and you know, he ought to at least be a nice guy about it, like John Paul 2. I guess I should give him a chance, but then I thought, well, he's kinda stupid anyway.

I mean, what is up with the Roman Catholic church? I am not trying to be bashing on them or something, but really, they need to take a look at their doctrine. The whole confessing to priests thing has been bugging me a lot lately. Along with the sainting, I mean, they want to make a saint out of John Paul. Granted he was a good guy and all, but no! For crying out loud, I AM A SAINT! Have you read the New Testament? It says so! And that was the whole point of Christ coming, so we wouldn't have to have an intercessor between us and God, because now we are the bride of Christ, and we can communicate with God. Let us enter his throne room with thanksgiving and confidence. Do I need a priest to confess to? No, I can talk directly with God, that's the beauty of Christian Spirituality, it is not a religion, it is a RELATIONSHIP. I don't have to pray to Mary to intercede on my behalf, I can do that through Christ. They are leading people astray from the beauty and pure essence of why Jesus even came! ERG!

So yea, that's my little rant.


No mucho de que hablar...

pero, no me gusta esta parte del año. Es muy dificil, es el fin de la escuela, (no quiero trabajar por mis notas...), prom es muy estupido, y todos mis amigos preparan para un viaje de misiones (en Costa Rica o Mexico) y no puedo ir a los dos. Y, los ticos no están aqui.


mi vida es muy horible ahora. No es todos en mis actividades. Es Dios tambien. No quiero leer la biblia (en serio? SI! Yo se! Soy la hija de un pastor!), y no puedo oirle. Sí, es obvio, cuando no leyo mi biblia, no puedo oir el voz de Dios. Mi lengua, es muy mala ahora. Y, no quiero hacer nada para revisar la problemas con mi relacion con Dios. (Si, yo se, revisar es la palabra incorrecta... pero no se la corecta.)


No me gusta esta parte del año.



Sara and I listen to this song every day on the way to practice. No joke we know every single word. It is hilarious. (and the movie is only half the song.)


Pride and Prejudice

my friends and I watched the 6 hour BBC production of Pride and Prejudice today while munching on scones and other yummy treats. The entire movie was positively delightful. Capitol! (lol) Poor Wickam,Maggie had decided that the horse should kick Lydia and the poor girl ought to die. Well, that would have been alright with me, but Allison did point out that it is much more dreadful for Wickam to have to live with her for the rest of his life. True. And Wickam did deserve it, although she was an airhead to go along with the elopement. Well anyway, there was much more to the movie than Wickam and silly Lydia (I take your place Jane, for I am a married woman now...) There was of course the awful Ms. Bingley, and sweet Ms. Darcy, who was quite the opposite of her older brother. Though he was ten years her senior which I suppose must explain it. At the end, when Darcy was proposing to Lizzie, I looked at Laura and she kinda had this sad smile, and we both had tears in our eyes.

We are such girls. It's almost scary.

10 percent yank! My Grandaddy will shoot me!

Your Linguistic Profile:

75% General American English

10% Yankee

5% Dixie

5% Midwestern

5% Upper Midwestern


Guess what?

Guess what?

My mom and I are getting Sudithars! I am so excited! I asked for a black and pink one, otherwise I told Rev. Vasantharaj to let my dad pick the colour. I'm so excited!

Kudos to Steveo!

I love this thing, it just brings joy to my heart... lol


3 weeks till prom. still no date.

Matt Shaw has a date. I mean, Matt Shaw. Seriously, he has one, and I don't?

(and why is this bugging me so much?)


Question (and i expect comments)

So I have not been planning on doing choir next year. Mostly because I don't have time for Choralette performances and finals and in general, I basically just don't like the class. But today I was talking with Auna who was really sad I'm not doing Arapahoe Singers, let alone not doing choir at all. And I had a concert today in which I had to watch the Singers at Powell, and I just remember being one of those scary little eighth graders... wishing I was in that group.

Well, I am not taking Singers, because to do that, I also have to take another choir class. Which means 6 hrs of choir with Choralettes and a million performances, or 7 with Concert Choir. I do not have time for that next year. And I don't want a million performances. (not to mention 9 out of 17 are Mormons this year. Yea, that could cause some fights...)

I have always wanted to do Concert Choir. Suddenly I find myself almost wanting to try out for it. But then there's the nagging fear of not making it, I mean have you heard the girls in that choir? They are amazing. And then most of me just doesn't really care at all at this point.

So, I am leaving it up for a majority vote. Try out for Concert Choir? Or no?
(oh and i need to know, like by tomorrow.)



Did you know that the Big Bang theory was actually introduced by a Catholic Priest named George LeMaitre in 1927? He was trying to show that Science and Religion (at least physics) do not have to be incompatible, but rather they complement each other.

"In 1929 at the Mt. Wilson Observatory in California, Edwin Hubble discovered that galaxies were moving away at high speeds. He was, like most people, unaware of LeMaitre's 1927 theory. But LeMaitre used Hubble's dramatic discovery as evidence for his theory. It was easy. If you imagined the galaxies rushing away from us as a movie, just run the movie backwards. After a certain time, all those galaxies will rush together. LeMaitre put forth the idea that there was once a primordial atom which had contained all the matter in the universe."

yea I found that today on the net. Of course, the web isn't known exactly for accuracy, but I've heard about Hubble and the galaxies thing. So the rest makes sense.

But I'm wondering, how the heck does this fit in with Genesis? I totally agree that like physics works with Christianity. It's like Galileo said, that everything was created with order and symmetry. Heaven/Hell, Light/Dark. But seriously.

Science and Religion are not at odds, Science is simply to young to understand.


Another Quins Victory...

was there any doubt?

72-5!! GO QUINS!


Being Realistic

Kenzie got asked to prom. by adam and nathan. prom is a month from tomorrow. a month

I don't think I will have a date.

annoying, but what's more annoying is that it bothers me so much. i mean i'm going to be 17 i have no boyfriend, never been on a date, never have had a boyfriend (and no, he does not count, you two!) and i think i am doomed to be the high school girl who never has a boy friend.

or at least no date to prom.


another short

The cool water lay just beyond the over hang. Deep blue, dancing beneath the thunder of the crashing waterfall. A bird screeched and soared out from the branches of tall lanky pines nestled into the mountain. Laughter rising from a log floating in the center of the wide lake. Heat pressed in around her, humidity descending on her already moist skin. A voice behind her told her to go.

Jump off the side of the mountain, into the water, step out in faith, it will be deep enough. She backed away slightly. A boy ran out and lept from the ledge. Yelling, he somersaulted through the air. Crashing into the rippled surface, water burst into the air, and fell just as quickly.

"What are you waiting for?" another voice asked. She turned. Buried in the shadows of the mountainside a boy was kneeling. Curly red hair poked out from under a baseball cap proudly displaying a white S on black. His misty blue eyes danced as he smiled. "Are you going to go, or what?" She leaned over the edge and peered below her.

The blue water was crsip and clean. Sunlight beat down on her face, her arms were already turning colours. Cool water would be sweet, refreshing. The dirt tickled her toes as a soft wind brushed past her face and tangled her hair. Something sighed at her shoulder. She turned to see the boy looking over the edge of the over hang with her. "Pretty huh?" he asked in a quiet voice. As though he could only stand in awe of the beauty surrounding him. She nodded. Shaking his head he reached up and pulled on the bill of his black cap. "You were always waiting," he murmured. Her eyebrows shot up in question. He didn't answer.

Instead he yanked the cap off, and shoved it into her empty hands. Laughing he jumped from the ledge and tucked his knees to his chest. She watched him fall to the waiting lake. It surged up around him as he tumbled in, enveloping him into the darkness of the deep.

She looked down at the hat in her hands. You were always waiting. She looked back up and watched him swim to the edge and then touch his feet to the sandy bottom. He looked back up in her direction watching her as she slowly smiled. Stepping back a few steps she got a running start and lept off the edge. Soaring for a moment before splashing into the water and sinking through waves of cool beauty wrapped up in water.

He grinned. Not waiting anymore.


Not sure if this is true... Comments welcome!


okay, so i had this link to a personality thing on; what narnia character are you? well, it told me i am jewel, which must be one of the few books i haven't read, but then it gave me a link about here, put this in your webpage and be cool.

yea. it won't come up. so now i can't tell you who i really am on the inside (ahahaha) and i think i may go home and cry unless someone can help me with this. boohoo.

oh wait, i am at home. well i'm going to go cry anyway.