
So... I never actually studied for my Russian History Final

but God was pretty good to me. I did well enough on it.

I was planning to study for it. In fact, Bonnie and I even went to Einstien's on our off final with that soul purpose in mind. And we made it all the way through geography (6,000 by 3,000 miles, 1/6 of earth's land) before we started in on God. Actually, I take it back, we were on Catherine the Great, and started talking about capitol punishment, because she was against it (being educated on Elightenment principles. Gosh I am such a nerd.). Anyway.

It was cool with me because, heck, I didn't feel like studying. And we got to talk about God, which is infininitely cooler. Pretty much, I told her how you get salvation, and then Maryn came over, and we talked about some other stuff. They kept asking me questions. At first, it was like I was being grilled, but then, I just looked at them, and I couldn't help smiling. It was like my dad always says, they don't mind talking about Jesus and God, in fact, the look in their eyes was interrogation, it was hunger. They just don't like the church. And frankly, I don't blame them. (But I can't find the soap box today, so breathe easy, you are spared)

Anyway, I got to explain the whole Bible doesn't hate women phenomenon. And saved by grace, not of works. That was neato. Maryn specifically wanted to know about Bathsheba and Delilah, and then I told her about Rahab, and obviously, God doesn't hate women, and he believes in redemption and wants all of us to come to him if a Gentile prostitute would become one of David's ancestors, and then Jesus'. I mean, how unlikely is that?

So then Maryn and I went to coffee yesterday. That was cool too. She said people with Faith intrigue her. So I guess that makes me intriguing on some level. We did, you know, the basics, salvation, passover, old testament law, revelation, Islam, the whole Israel sitch.

It was cool that they asked, and all that jazz. But you know what the coolest part was? As excited as I am, I'm just glad that God deemed me worthy to have been apart of it. And you know what's even better than that? It was so beautiful, because it was so natural. Nothing could have been more normal it seemed. And at first that was weird. Like OH MY GOSH I AM SHARING CHRIST WITH MY WICCAN SLASH BUDDHIST FRIEND. But then, it just seemed to not be such a big deal. I've been praying (on and off) for this to happen, and it did, it got dropped right in my lap. And it was totally natural.

Cuase, what could be more natural then talking about the one who loves us more than we can ever imagine? Beyond the stars, through the depths of hell, he reached out, and he picked me. Me. of all the people.

And I got to tell Maryn and Bonnie about him. and what could be more normal? I can't say that enough, that it was so perfect and beautiful, so natural, so, so.... right. And I, I of all people, shockingly enough, was chosen to be apart of it. To experience Him speaking through me. Cause I didn't say anything. Cause I didn't know half the answers. Cause my words are human, but his, his are divine.

Ugh, it was just so cool. I am so amazed. This is what it's all about. It's not about a job, or a relationship, or money, or saying Merry Christmas. It's about telling others of his love for them. His infinite, beyond words amazing love.

The box is going to be put away now, because I am rambling, like I always do. Because I can't find the words to describe it, so I keep repeating the closest thing over and over. Because, it's as close as I can get to it.

Allah yisallimak,



I officially hate myspace.

because I can not get to the ap us myspace....

if someone can, please, help me. supposedly it is: myspace.com/atothephistorystyle

I am now going to storm off in a fit of rage.


Sra Lovitt:... y la profesora me pegó
Luke: what about golpear? can we use golpear?
Me: apparently not
Luke: I'll golpear YOU!


I'm makin a list!

if anyone has spare money and feels like buying me something... lol

actually, I just wanted to put them up here so I can look at them every day...

they are both at Gap for $24.50