
social darwinism (or, a letter)

Dear Dr. Davis

tomorrow I will be turning in to you something akin to a rough draft of my paper. I have to confess that I don't really know what to be writing about, and I don't know that I am doing a good job at making this argument. But tomorrow is Friday and after weeks of working on this paper, I am pretty exhausted. I'm ready to be done and if we are genetically predisposed to either laziness of a drive for good grades.... well usually I would fall within the latter, but tonight I am of the former. Take that Somit and Peterson.

This email isn't really important. I just wanted to give you a heads up. It's a pretty muddy paper, but I can't do anything about it. There is no one to edit it, and I have no energy left to put much more work into it. At this point, so long as I pass through the course, I will be okay with (mostly) whatever grade I recieve. I just want to be done.

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