

I just wanted to drop you all a note since it has been sucn a long time since I last wrote! It has been a busy few weeks. We just finished up midterms (which on the quarter system, somehow manage to stretch on for about three weeks). So my stress level has significantly dropped. Let's see, what's been happening?

last weekend I went on a retreat with a "cadre" here on campus. Cadres are small groups that have faculty/staff oversight, and they count for credit towards CFE, the thing that makes sure we're involved spiritually oncampus (and basically doesn't work in the sense that people just make stuff up). The Cadre is called MuKappa, it's for missionary/third culture/kids who have a heart for the world. It was so great, we went up to Mt. Baker Baptist camp, drove up to Mt. Baker, played around in the snow for a few hours and then went back to the cabin where we had dinner and then played games (taboo, imaginiff) until about 2.30 in the morning. Some of the boys had to drive back up to the mountian because one of ht guys lost his watch, so when I finally crawled out of my sleeping bag the next morning, it was just me and Twaan that were awake. It was pretty cool, we had a nice talk and I really enjoyed getting to know him. He actually is on my friend's brother floor, so we have some mutual friends, and he used to live in my building so there are some connectinos there. It was really great, I love being on a college campus where you are basically one perosn away from everyone else. It's so amazing.

This week I had my interview for PA (same as RA). I don't think I will get the position, I'm pretty sure the interview went horribly. But that's okay, it just means that God has somewhere else that he wants to grow me in. And really, there are so many options of where God could use me. for instance, I just joined a Bible study off campus and every year they need poeple to serve as leaders in their middle school youth group, so I might look into doing that. I also applied for a job with Campus Ministries that would take up a big chunk of time next year. But it would be amazing. In fact, I really really want the job. I think the people would be amazing to work with (I have a friend who works there now and raves about it) and I could learn a lot from it.

Meh, we'll see, God always has interesting things up his sleeve.

Oh, and the Bible Study, I didn't say, is also good. I'm enjoying some new poeple, and it's a great half hour drive from campus with some crazy firneds of mine. They've gotten me into Billy Joel (we didn't start the fire... no we didn't light it....) and sech. It's great fun.

In other news!!!!!! oh wait, just kidding. nothing else exciting has happened. :) ahaha. I had you going there didn't I? This weekend I am headed off to a friend's house from Sunday to Tuesday so that will be a great break from life and stress.

Hope everyone is having a great long weekend. I love you all!


oh ps, lots of people on my floor are getting sick. Sick with a capital S, as in norovirus and bronchitis. Ah, dorm life. but if you wouldn't mind praying I would stay healthy that would be super. I'm popping Vitamin C and Echinacea like an addict, but prayer is even better.

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