
I have decided that nobody cares.


nathan said...

haha. you're wrong. pretty thats all there is to that.

Sara without an H said...

I meant no one cares about my blog. Or at least, no one like from youthgroup. Becuase Nathan gets a million comments on just about everything, and hello? Check out the last few posts. ZERO! lol, so I decided yesterday that obviously no one really cared about my blog either way.

I know people care about other stuff. Nathan I know that especially well. Haha. Anyway.

thanks though.

Guess what Nathan? I am doing my Russion History homework that's not due until Tuesday! Why is this important you ask? Because! Then I will have more time to spend with God! I am learning to manage my time! WOOO!

ps, I talked to my parents also.

nathan said...

wait. if its not due until tuesday, why dont you spend time with God now? haha. i jest. good for you.

and you must tell me about the parentals. tell me tell me tell me. i must know how that went.