

I talked to Connor today!!!! And laughed at something he said!!! (if you don't understand why that is so great for me... well you can ask if you want, no gaurantee on an answer)

And guess what else???? I LAUGHED AT STEPH IN CHOIR!

we are on the way up folks....



Arto Alamaunu said...

i am...nice...didn't and not going to..gotta go...love you!

Sara without an H said...

you are what?

Sarah said...

Why do you always get the weird commenters?

nathan said...

pretty sweet dude.

Sara without an H said...

i don't know!

and yes, it is pretty freaking amazing. although tonight was not so cool. but you know, you can't have everything right?

Sara without an H said...

oh and i should make a sort of explanation. on the thing about being tired of being a christian... yea my comment about not wanting to be with a bunch of fake and hypocritical freaks-that was mainly about me and yea. I've just been really tired of being a christian, because i get so sick of everyone expecting me to be perfect. and i'm not. and i'm not happy all the time. and i can be sensitive and snappy.

so i'm sorry about any confusion... it was really about me. Me disgusto a mi. I am disgusted with my imperfections and carnality sometimes.

although I do think that sometimes christians can be kinda apathetic about their faith.