
Post #222 (now that is a fun number)

I was talking with Kellie (that is a weird picture of her taken on photo booth) today about relationships. How in HS it seemed like such a bigger deal and it isn't here. I mean we joke about Ring by Spring but it's just that--a joke. I used to wonder what was wrong with me in HS, why didn't I have a boyfriend? But here, well I've actually gotten to a point where I really am not actually interested in dating. I mean, it would be fine, but I just don't care that much. Miles asked me what I thought about the guys here in terms of dating--surprisingly, it was a difficult question to answer. What do I think about them? They're nice, yeah. But the ratio is also really skewed here, so if I was looking to get married, this was not the right school to pick. I don't know what to say, I'm just so happy that I'm feeling so content about where I am at relationally. Thank you Jesus. I really have learned to depend on him and be content with where he has placed me.

Although, Ashton boy is still very goood looking.

peace and grace to you,




Okay, I officially hate templates and html and blogger and everything. well not everything because htat is pretty broad, but whatever. I was trying to design a new blog, using on eof hte templates that they offer online, and I can't change the stupid banner/header/title picture!!!!!!!!! I downloaded the same one as Sarah's and she says it's easy to find. Well it isn't, want to know why? I looked at the source on Sarah's blog, yeah, they changed the template recently, so now I can't find where to change the picture. I could find it on hers, but not on this new one. Oh well, maybe God doesn't want me to have a new blog. even though that sounds really stupid. You know, I would be okay with this one if I could just expand the space that my post takes up. It's so skinny so my posts end up being really long even though they aren't.

does that even make any sense?

maybe I will write something deeper and not so angry later tonight.



These are Lindsey and my Galoshes. We had a photo shoot with them because we are obsessed.

Yes! We go to SPU!

this is our group at roomies (in costume) it goes: me then (right) Tim, someone, Aaron, Brad, Kayla, Winslow, Alyssa, David, Karin, and Alicia

this is me and Tim with our awesome pumpkin!

grace and peace from God our Father,


well... I guess I could write about school

[EDIT] (gasp) Cody is in the Air Force! (ROTC technically but still)

Lindsey and I went to Fremont yesterday. Twice. Once for the Sunday market (at which I am picking out Christmas gifts that I can afford) and the other to go with some other girls to Jai Thai. Because Gwinn isn't open on Sunday nights so we have to eat somehwere else. Anyway, I am pretty much in love with her. If you knew her you would understand why. (and I mean love in a sisterly fashion not homosexual obviously.)

I am done with homework for today, though I suppose I will practice my speech again for tomorrow night. It's a demonstration speech and I am making biscotti. Yay.

Roomies is on Friday. I think I might be going with Nick, that would be super fun. If it's not him though it iwll still be fun, because roomies is just awesome.

It is raining today. So Lindsey and I are wearing our Galoshes!!!!!!! we even created a face book group called "Embrace the Galosh" You can join it if you want, it's an open group. We're pretty much obsessed with galoshes. Mine are brown with blue dots on them.

I went swing dancing last night. I'm really bad, but cody still asked to dance with me and taught me some new moves even though--as he discovered-- I am really bad at following. And then he tipped me over his knee so that my feet came off the floor and just held me there suspended in mid air. I am in love. Not really, but he is nice. even though I just met him last night.

I ate lunch today at a table of 4th hill men. it was amusing.

classes are canceled for the day of common learning on wednesday. I'm excited.

this is really long.

Grace and Peace to you from God our Father in Heaven,


wow, I feel like

I'm falling the fad of ditching blogs.

but honestly, this blog bores me. maybe because it's from a previous life, maybe because I just feel beyond it now. I dont' know.

but I am bored to death.



what do you think about:


being slain in the Spirit

being infilled/baptised in the Holy Spirit


may grace and peace be yours in abundance,


I love seattle

I just got back from Queen Anne hill. It's kind of a hike up there, but it is so sweet and gourgeous. The views coming back down to campus are amazing as well. Not so great as Kerry Park, but that is because nothing can compare to Kerry Park. I can't wait to have a significant other to walk up there with, have massive burritos at Gordito's and be bundled up in scarves with coffee from El Diablo on our way back down. It would especially great in fall with all the amazing leaves showering down in such magnificent colours.

may grace and peace be yours in abundance,

me: I'm going down to emerson
Karin: going down to see your sweet 'ums?


prayer request

I have to give a speech tonight in my public speaking class. I'm not that nervous which is good, I have it all on notecards which is also good, and I'm feeling prepared and ready for it.

I'm just a little worried that I did the speech wrong or something weird like that. so if you read this and you wouldn't mind keepin me in your prayers tonight that would be awesome!